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Shodan Pentesting Guide

Shodan Pentesting Guide

Shodan has been a great search engine to the cyber security researchers & ethical ha…
Cross Site Scripting - Level 06 __ Frozen Flame

Cross Site Scripting - Level 06 __ Frozen Flame

If-else ; Hello thirsty learners. Welcome back again in another tutorial of Cross Site Sc…
OWASP testing guide ( V3 & V4 )

OWASP testing guide ( V3 & V4 )

OWASP testing guide has been a best resource for the beginner web application penetration…
Cross Site Scripting - Level 05 __ Frozen Flame

Cross Site Scripting - Level 05 __ Frozen Flame

var x = "I am not HTML"; Hello thirsty learners. Till this blog, we were talkin…
API Penetration Handbook

API Penetration Handbook

API Penetration Examples API is used for the easiest way of transportation of data. Since…
My first valid bug finding ( HTMLi to XSS by bypassing clouflare ) __ Frozen Flame

My first valid bug finding ( HTMLi to XSS by bypassing clouflare ) __ Frozen Flame

How I got my first bug ? Hello thirsty learners. Recently I got my first bug in a private…
Cross Site Scripting - Level 04 __ Frozen Flame

Cross Site Scripting - Level 04 __ Frozen Flame

Hey, I am in the URL !! Hello thirsty learners ! Welcome back in another session of Cross…
Cross Site Scripting - Level 03 __ Frozen Flame

Cross Site Scripting - Level 03 __ Frozen Flame

You can't end it ! Hello thirsty learners ! Welcome back again in the Cross Site Scri…

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